Your first blog post
Before you get started make sure to update your blog's title, metadata and hero image. You can find these settings by logging into your site and visiting the 'settings' area, then choosing 'Blog' from the left menu.
To start creating your own blogs click the 3 line menu in the backend, choose content and then choose 'Blog Posts' from the left side menu.
Use the WYSIWYG editor to add your unique content, photos and embed videos. Once you are done scroll down and choose when to publish your post, add a preview image for social sharing and a new hero image. Click 'Save' and you're done!
If you are new to blogging and not sure how to get started or if you're a seasoned expert looking for inspiration check out this thread on the REW Forums, 'Simple Website SEO Strategies, Tips & Ideas'.
Joining the REW forms is easy, visit and click the 'Sign Up' button at the top of the page, fill in your information and click 'Create New Account'.
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Posted by Serhant CT on
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